猛牌Monitor Audio

HiFi秀 | 2016-1-29

猛牌音响诞生于1972年,是由一位具有印度血统的英国人MO Iqbal和大名鼎鼎的音响评论员Martin Colloms在1972年创立的。上世纪60-70年代,无疑是英国音响的黄金时代。随着所谓“BBC”喇叭规格的确立,英国涌现出一批以KEF为代表的具有世界级影响力的音响品牌。其中“猛牌”(MonitOr Audio)以个性鲜明、性能杰出,在英国发烧音响工业这个巨大金字塔的顶部牢牢占据着一席之地。 现在随着人们生活质量的提高,越来越多的人们开始追求精神品位,像现在的家庭影院就已经成为了一种时尚的精神品位需求。猛牌也成为现阶段家庭影院音响器材中最受欢迎的一个品牌。


在1972年Mo Iqbal与合伙人Martin Colloms创立了猛牌(Monitor Audio),而猛牌开山之作MA1,就是出自Martin Colloms的设计。这为猛牌打下了一个良好的基础,获得了大家的好评。虽然Martin后来退出了猛牌,但一直与猛牌保持着密切的联系,直到MO Iqbal 退休之前,还帮助猛牌设计了一些非常著名的型号。


1985年马歇尔为猛牌设计的R852MD上市,它采用了新型航空材料铝镁合金作为球顶材料,是英国最早采用金属球顶高音的音箱之一,让猛牌最终声名大噪 。

1989年,猛牌发表了震惊发烧音响界的“金高音”。金高音的名头之大,以至于几乎国内所有的发烧友都认为猛牌不计成本地在铝合金振膜上镀了金。第一款采用金高音的猛牌音箱是Studio 10,在此后的几年,猛牌凭借一系列Studio系列音箱,迅速成为英国极品发烧音箱的代表品牌之一。

1997年,香港回归之年,执掌猛牌25年之久的MO Iqbal自感廉颇老矣,在将公司股份卖给了以Dave Collins为首的一批投资者之后退出了音响圈。也就是从那时起,猛牌几乎是十肖无声息地退出了香港和内地市场。

2007年,由Dean主持设计的猛牌新旗舰“白金”系列发表,这是一个采用了大量不同于以往扬声器技术的全新材料和设计,为证明这一新的设计/制造模式的成功,“白金”系列的制造也放在中国, “白金”系列美轮美奂的制造品质和清澈无染,几乎是立刻征服了各大音响媒体,评论员们不吝溢美之词,给予了“白金”系列毫无保留的赞誉。


早在1986年,猛牌Monitor Audio就首度推出了半球型的金属振膜高音单元,其良好的高频响应以及清脆的细节让人耳目一新。三年后猛牌Monitor Audio再度推出镀金的金属高音单元,自此就一直以镀金高音闻名于世。

1991年,猛牌Monitor Audio成功地开发出金属振膜的中低音单元,提供了更快速以及失真度更低的中低频响应。稍后,他们又将这只金属振膜的中低音单元也镀上了金,结果发现它的表现与镀金高音一样,拥有清亮的音质,重播音乐不再含糊带过。

猛牌Monitor Audio采用C-CAM工艺制作的中/低音单元,铝镁合金的音盘进行陶瓷化表面处理。载取于宇宙级航天科技的C-CAM镁-铝合金振膜,不仅能再生极为柔顺绵密的中、低频音色。配合新改良的铝镁震膜低音单元,更是拥有极速的瞬时反应、更宽阔的动态范围与更低的失真。

获英国著名发烧杂志:WHAT HI-FI五星评级,T3世界发明杂志最佳音质及外观奖。

猛牌Monitor Audio i-Deck这款音箱同样应用了猛牌音箱的专利高音单元:一寸C-CAM黄金高音,频响直达25KHZ,一般的音箱品牌都没办法做到.因此只有这款音箱才能生动的演艺出如小提琴,钢琴等高音乐器的生动细节。



Monitor Audio官方网站上的品牌介绍: 

Representing the epitome of British loudspeaker design for forty years, Monitor Audio is respected by music lovers around the world for the integrity and beauty of its engineering and for excellence in sound reproduction.



Monitor Audio Ltd is a British owned and managed global specialist in hi-fi loudspeaker design, incorporating stereo and surround sound systems and a range of sonically matched architectural speakers for ultra discreet high quality sound around the home and outside.

Whatever your taste and budget you'll discover a Monitor Audio speaker that answers your desire for great sound. Since hi-fi was in its infancy we've dedicated all our technical expertise, innovation and craftsmanship to the creation of world-class loudspeakers, which communicate the essence of our brand and reward the people who buy them. We want you to share and enjoy the blend of style, quality, performance and sophistication that makes Monitor Audio unique.

Our success is not simply a matter of excellent sound quality, although expert listeners around the world will testify to that. It's more about how we deliver the sonic superlatives. By consistently refining and applying our technologies, Monitor Audio has become the world's foremost expert in developing metal dome drivers. Metal is not the easiest material to shape, which is why many of our competitors choose paper or plastic. But it does have amazing properties for more life-like sound reproduction when treated correctly.

The Ceramic-Coated Aluminium Magnesium (C-CAM) metal alloy driver cones used throughout our comprehensive range are very light, but very rigid and strong. Such a magical mix of properties allows them to reproduce the most delicate musical atmospherics as well as the dynamic bass excursions of movie action scenes or an explosive kick drum barrage. Our proprietary C-CAM drivers can be much smaller than onventional designs and yet operate way beyond the limits of human audibility without distortion. This means that we can design slimmer more elegant cabinets around them, so you enjoy class-leading audio performance from peakers that better suit your décor and lifestyle. And since they all share a consistency of tonal accuracy our on-wall, in-wall, floor or stand-mounting speakers may be mixed for the perfect aesthetic and sonic result in any environment. In the strength and depth of our ever-evolving product portfolio, Monitor Audio continues to demonstrate the power of a high quality, high performance loudspeaker brand that serves every application, taste and budget - and every possible desire.


  • - 成立时间:1972
  • - 所属国家:英国
  • - 创 始 人:MOIqbal,MartinColloms
  • - 官 网:www.monitoraudio.com www.monitoraudio.com
  • - 地 址:ChurchSquare,StPeterPort,Guernsey,ChannelIslandsGY12LD
  • - 电 话:0044-01481-722178,0044-01534-723728,00852-25570012(中国经销商)
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