
HiFi秀 | 2016-1-29

DoAcoustics直译其义为“确实原音”,品牌精神在名称即表露无遗,执著于追求自然、纯粹的原音再现。这个新锐的音响品牌是由Uzeda乐团鼓手DAVIDE OLIVERI所创立,因为对音乐的热爱投入扬声器的研发、制作。如同历史上最好的弦乐器:意大利Stradivari提琴一样,DoAcoustics坚持在义大利西西里岛手工制作每一对扬声器以维持优越品质。



Listening. All the musical instruments, except the electronics ones, have been and yet are made by masters who have always “listened” to the instrument. The best violins in the world have been created by clever lutist masters thanks to an extraordinary sensibility and a wide listening capacity.

The most advanced “imaging” techniques have not revealed the secret of the sound of these extraordinary violins and no electronic instrument is able to come vaguely near to the wide sound of a Stradivari.

The diffusers are also, in a sense, musical instruments.

As regards all the audio electronic components, the diffusers are responsible of the interface with man and represent the 90% of the good or bad sound that your equipment reproduces.

You can buy the best amplifiers or CD readers in the world but if you possess a poor diffuser all the equipment will sound badly.

That’s why I think that the acoustic diffusers must be “tuned” simply using your ears because only you will listen to them and not your computer.


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