
HiFi秀 | 2016-1-29

Rothwell是一家英国品牌,其产品有HIFI产品和吉他产品两大系统,HIFI产品包括唱放、线材等,下面是该品牌创始人Andrew Rothwell的介绍:

I’m Andrew Rothwell, the man behind the company. I developed a passion for music at an early age and started to learn the guitar as a school boy, studying the classical repertoire while at the same time developing a taste for rock and later jazz. 

After graduating with a degree in physics I started work as an electronics engineer for British Aerospace but eventually left the aerospace industry to pursue my interests in music and music technology. This led to work as a musician as well as in technical support in locations from The Royal Northern College of Music to the Glastonbury festival. I have produced and performed music for corporate video, theater and TV and taught music technology in schools and colleges. 

In parallel with my interest in music and professional music technology ran a growing passion for high end audio. That led to the first Rothwell hi-fi products being launched in 1989, including the first incarnation of the Indus passive pre-amp. The impetus for the creation of the Indus came after hearing some very expensive and hi tech pre-amps and being completely amazed by how bad they sounded, despite all the engineering prowess they claimed to embody. At the same time as the first passive pre-amp was launched a valve outboard phono stage was developed. This was back when most audiophiles had never heard of an outboard phono stage (it pre-dated even the Michell Iso) and valves were yet to make their spectacular resurgence on the audio scene. 

A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then and a lot of hi-fi companies have come and gone, from small outfits like MVL and Kinshaw (and countless others which are mostly forgotten) to large companies like Tag McLaren and even old established companies like Quad are now little more than brand names owned by foreign companies. Throughout all this time my small company has been producing esoteric hi-fi for discerning audiophiles, offering continued after sales service and, most importantly, developing and refining a range of audio products to do just one thing - make music and make it sound as good as it possibly can. That is the company ethic and it isn't going to change.

Rothwell Audio Products Ltd.

87-89 Lever Street





telephone +44 (0)1204 366133



  • - 成立时间:1989
  • - 所属国家:英国
  • - 创 始 人:AndrewRothwell
  • - 官 网:
  • - 地 址:87-89LeverStreet,Bolton,Lancs.,BL32AB,England
  • - 电 话:00441204366133
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